Our Ranks

Career progression in Global Air Forces is a rewarding scheme that allows complete flexibility with your choice of Aircraft. As you can see, any aircraft can be flown at any rank, but you must choose your Certifications carefully.

NATO Equivalent EAF Rank Achievement NAAF Rank Notes
Cadet Officer Cadet Pilot is recruited Officer Cadet
OF-1 Lower Pilot Officer Pilot has completed AFT 2nd Lieutenant
OF-1 Lieutenant 50 Flying Hours Logged 1st Lieutenant
OF-2 Flight Lieutenant 100 Flying Hours Logged Captain +1 Certification
200 Flying Hours Logged +1 Certification
OF-3 Major 300 Flying Hours Logged Major +1 Certification
400 Flying Hours Logged +1 Certification
OF-4 Wing Commander 500 Flying Hours Logged Lieutenant Colonel No restrictions on Aircraft Certifications
Command Positions - Internal Selection
OF-5 Colonel Squadron Commander Colonel In charge of a Squadron
OF-7 Major General Group Commander Major General (Rear Admiral for NAAF Naval Group) In charge of a group of Squadrons
OF-8 Air Marshal Deputy Division Commander Lieutenant General 2nd in Command of either NAAF or EAF
OF-9 Air Chief Marshal Division Commander General Commander of EAF or NAAF (IFVARB COO Equivalent)
OF-10 Joint Headquarters Personnel JHQ (IFVARB CEO Equivalent)